This feature is in beta
To use this feature, pass in a header including the
key with value set tobeta
. Use this header with each call. To learn more, read Beta resources.Resources that are in beta are still undergoing testing and development. They may change without notice, including becoming backwards incompatible.
Release pipelines track the progression of a feature flag across a series of phases, where each phase consists of one or more environments. When you add a flag to a release pipeline, you create a "release" to track that flag's progress through the pipeline. To learn more, read Release pipelines.
With the releases API, you can view and update the active releases for a given flag.
With the related release pipelines API, you can view, create, and delete release pipelines.
Get currently active release for a flag
Release response
Invalid resource identifier
{- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "name": "Example release pipeline",
- "releasePipelineKey": "example-release-pipeline",
- "releasePipelineDescription": "Our release pipeline for typical testing and deployment",
- "phases": [
- {
- "_id": "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f",
- "_name": "Phase 1 - Testing",
- "complete": true,
- "_creationDate": 0,
- "_completionDate": 0,
- "_completedBy": {
- "member": {
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/api/v2/members/569f183514f4432160000007",
- "type": "application/json"
}, - "_id": "569f183514f4432160000007",
- "firstName": "Ariel",
- "lastName": "Flores",
- "role": "admin",
- "email": ""
}, - "token": {
- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "_id": "string",
- "name": "DevOps token",
- "ending": "2345",
- "serviceToken": false
}, - "_audiences": [
- {
- "_id": "1234a56b7c89d012345e678g",
- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "environment": {
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/api/v2/projects/my-project/environments/my-environment",
- "type": "application/json"
}, - "key": "environment-key-123abc",
- "name": "My Environment",
- "color": "F5A623"
}, - "name": "Phase 1 - Testing",
- "configuration": {
- "releaseStrategy": "string",
- "requireApproval": true,
- "notifyMemberIds": [
- "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f"
], - "notifyTeamKeys": [
- "example-reviewer-team"
], - "releaseGuardianConfiguration": {
- "monitoringWindowMilliseconds": 60000,
- "rolloutWeight": 50,
- "rollbackOnRegression": true,
- "randomizationUnit": "user"
}, - "segmentKeys": [
- "segment-key-123abc"
], - "status": "string",
- "_ruleIds": [
- "string"
], - "status": "string",
- "started": true,
- "_startedDate": 0,
- "configuration": { }
], - "_version": 1,
- "_releaseVariationId": "string",
- "_canceledAt": 0
This endpoint is only available for releases that are part of a legacy release pipeline. Releases for new release pipelines should use the Update phase status for release endpoint. To learn more about migrating from legacy release pipelines to fully automated release pipelines, read the Release pipeline migration guide.
Update currently active release for a flag. Updating releases requires the JSON patch format. To learn more, read Updates.
You can only use this endpoint to mark a release phase complete or incomplete. To indicate which phase to update, use the array index in the path
. For example, to mark the first phase of a release as complete, use the following request body:
"op": "replace",
"path": "/phase/0/complete",
"value": true
Release response
Invalid request
Invalid access token
Invalid resource identifier
Rate limited
[- {
- "op": "replace",
- "path": "/phases/0/complete",
- "value": true
{- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "name": "Example release pipeline",
- "releasePipelineKey": "example-release-pipeline",
- "releasePipelineDescription": "Our release pipeline for typical testing and deployment",
- "phases": [
- {
- "_id": "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f",
- "_name": "Phase 1 - Testing",
- "complete": true,
- "_creationDate": 0,
- "_completionDate": 0,
- "_completedBy": {
- "member": {
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/api/v2/members/569f183514f4432160000007",
- "type": "application/json"
}, - "_id": "569f183514f4432160000007",
- "firstName": "Ariel",
- "lastName": "Flores",
- "role": "admin",
- "email": ""
}, - "token": {
- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "_id": "string",
- "name": "DevOps token",
- "ending": "2345",
- "serviceToken": false
}, - "_audiences": [
- {
- "_id": "1234a56b7c89d012345e678g",
- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "environment": {
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/api/v2/projects/my-project/environments/my-environment",
- "type": "application/json"
}, - "key": "environment-key-123abc",
- "name": "My Environment",
- "color": "F5A623"
}, - "name": "Phase 1 - Testing",
- "configuration": {
- "releaseStrategy": "string",
- "requireApproval": true,
- "notifyMemberIds": [
- "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f"
], - "notifyTeamKeys": [
- "example-reviewer-team"
], - "releaseGuardianConfiguration": {
- "monitoringWindowMilliseconds": 60000,
- "rolloutWeight": 50,
- "rollbackOnRegression": true,
- "randomizationUnit": "user"
}, - "segmentKeys": [
- "segment-key-123abc"
], - "status": "string",
- "_ruleIds": [
- "string"
], - "status": "string",
- "started": true,
- "_startedDate": 0,
- "configuration": { }
], - "_version": 1,
- "_releaseVariationId": "string",
- "_canceledAt": 0
Deletes a release from a flag
Action succeeded
Invalid resource identifier
{- "code": "forbidden",
- "message": "Forbidden. Access to the requested resource was denied."
Creates a release by adding a flag to a release pipeline
Release response
Invalid request
Invalid access token
Invalid resource identifier
Rate limit exceeded
{- "releaseVariationId": "string",
- "releasePipelineKey": "string"
{- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "name": "Example release pipeline",
- "releasePipelineKey": "example-release-pipeline",
- "releasePipelineDescription": "Our release pipeline for typical testing and deployment",
- "phases": [
- {
- "_id": "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f",
- "_name": "Phase 1 - Testing",
- "complete": true,
- "_creationDate": 0,
- "_completionDate": 0,
- "_completedBy": {
- "member": {
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/api/v2/members/569f183514f4432160000007",
- "type": "application/json"
}, - "_id": "569f183514f4432160000007",
- "firstName": "Ariel",
- "lastName": "Flores",
- "role": "admin",
- "email": ""
}, - "token": {
- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "_id": "string",
- "name": "DevOps token",
- "ending": "2345",
- "serviceToken": false
}, - "_audiences": [
- {
- "_id": "1234a56b7c89d012345e678g",
- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "environment": {
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/api/v2/projects/my-project/environments/my-environment",
- "type": "application/json"
}, - "key": "environment-key-123abc",
- "name": "My Environment",
- "color": "F5A623"
}, - "name": "Phase 1 - Testing",
- "configuration": {
- "releaseStrategy": "string",
- "requireApproval": true,
- "notifyMemberIds": [
- "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f"
], - "notifyTeamKeys": [
- "example-reviewer-team"
], - "releaseGuardianConfiguration": {
- "monitoringWindowMilliseconds": 60000,
- "rolloutWeight": 50,
- "rollbackOnRegression": true,
- "randomizationUnit": "user"
}, - "segmentKeys": [
- "segment-key-123abc"
], - "status": "string",
- "_ruleIds": [
- "string"
], - "status": "string",
- "started": true,
- "_startedDate": 0,
- "configuration": { }
], - "_version": 1,
- "_releaseVariationId": "string",
- "_canceledAt": 0
Updates the execution status of a phase of a release
Action succeeded
Invalid request
Invalid access token
release or phase not found
Rate limit exceeded
{- "status": "string",
- "audiences": [
- {
- "audienceId": "string",
- "releaseGuardianConfiguration": {
- "monitoringWindowMilliseconds": 60000,
- "rolloutWeight": 50,
- "rollbackOnRegression": true,
- "randomizationUnit": "user"
}, - "notifyMemberIds": [
- "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f"
], - "notifyTeamKeys": [
- "example-reviewer-team"
{- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "name": "Example release pipeline",
- "releasePipelineKey": "example-release-pipeline",
- "releasePipelineDescription": "Our release pipeline for typical testing and deployment",
- "phases": [
- {
- "_id": "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f",
- "_name": "Phase 1 - Testing",
- "complete": true,
- "_creationDate": 0,
- "_completionDate": 0,
- "_completedBy": {
- "member": {
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/api/v2/members/569f183514f4432160000007",
- "type": "application/json"
}, - "_id": "569f183514f4432160000007",
- "firstName": "Ariel",
- "lastName": "Flores",
- "role": "admin",
- "email": ""
}, - "token": {
- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "_id": "string",
- "name": "DevOps token",
- "ending": "2345",
- "serviceToken": false
}, - "_audiences": [
- {
- "_id": "1234a56b7c89d012345e678g",
- "_links": {
- "property1": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "property2": {
- "href": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "environment": {
- "_links": {
- "self": {
- "href": "/api/v2/projects/my-project/environments/my-environment",
- "type": "application/json"
}, - "key": "environment-key-123abc",
- "name": "My Environment",
- "color": "F5A623"
}, - "name": "Phase 1 - Testing",
- "configuration": {
- "releaseStrategy": "string",
- "requireApproval": true,
- "notifyMemberIds": [
- "1234a56b7c89d012345e678f"
], - "notifyTeamKeys": [
- "example-reviewer-team"
], - "releaseGuardianConfiguration": {
- "monitoringWindowMilliseconds": 60000,
- "rolloutWeight": 50,
- "rollbackOnRegression": true,
- "randomizationUnit": "user"
}, - "segmentKeys": [
- "segment-key-123abc"
], - "status": "string",
- "_ruleIds": [
- "string"
], - "status": "string",
- "started": true,
- "_startedDate": 0,
- "configuration": { }
], - "_version": 1,
- "_releaseVariationId": "string",
- "_canceledAt": 0